Tuesday, October 25, 2011


"Parenting, I’ve come to understand, is about loving my child today. Now. In fact, for any parent, anywhere, that’s all there is."
if there's one thing i've learned   am learning thus far into parenthood it's the importance and beauty of NOW, this moment.   children live in the now all day long.  children only experience the right-here right-now.  “When you’re rushing to the next moment, what happens to the moment you are in?” You’ve missed it! You may be okay with that, but children have no capacity to understand why they can’t enjoy the NOW.

Living in the NOW is where the treasures of life live.
Living in the NOW is where all the answers to our problems are.

The moment we begin to rationalize and feel like we “should” do some thing, we fall out of the NOW. That’s when things get complicated, rushed, filled with stress, pres sure and anger.
The most profound and beautiful thing we experience by living in the NOWis love. The more you can take it one-moment-at-a-time and simply focus on the task at hand, by remaining really-really present, the more you love you’ll be able to take in.
wise words from a friend.

this little guy is my greatest teacher, my little guru.